Sunday Service: Navigating Transformation

Message with Rev. Jeanne MacLaughlin Music with Cerise Patron As we experience the newness of a transformed life, we may not be completely comfortable in our own skin. We may not yet quite know how to navigate life in this new way. Using an analogy taken from the sports world,…

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Sunday Service: The Call of Transformation

Message with Rev. Jeanne MacLaughlin and music with Rev. Jeanne and Amy MacLaughlin Just like the call of the butterfly is within the caterpillar, the call of transformation is within each one of us. What is calling you? What is your next revolution around the spiral of evolution? Today, we…

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Sunday Service: Is It Really Up to Me?

Sunday Service Lesson with Rev. Jeanne MacLaughlin and music with Barb Horton Robert Schuller once wrote a book entitled, “If It’s Going to Be, It’s Up to Me.” Our question of the day is, “Is it really only up to me?” In answering that question, we will unravel a seeming…

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Sunday Service: Seven Up, Part II

Sunday Service Lesson with Rev. Jeanne MacLaughlin and music with Diana Perez Continuing the journey of causing inner movement that supports the outward expression of the life we desire, today we finish our “Seven Up” series as we Make It Up, Kick It Up, Give It Up and Start It…

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Sunday Service: Up, Up and Away

Sunday Service lesson with Rev. Jeanne MacLaughlin and music with Jennifer Sheets It is when we first choose to go up (as we’ve done earlier this month) and then send away that which no longer serves that we can truly soar in the beautiful balloon of life in which we…

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Sunday Service: Seven Up, Part 1

Sunday Service: Lesson with Rev. Jeanne MacLaughlin, Music with Jennifer Sheets Today, we set the stage for our month by exploring three and a half of seven upward ideas (Lift Up, Look Up, Lighten Up and a little bit of Make It Up) that will cause tremendous inner movement and…

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