Sunday Service: Laying the Foundation

Rev. Jeanne MacLaughlin  (Musician – Jennifer Sheets) This Sunday, we lay a strong spiritual foundation by exploring the inner workings of three powerful core  concepts of our teachings.  These three concepts provide a basis upon which all of our other New Thoughts are built and they have been life transforming…

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Sunday Service: Jumpstart Your Life

Rev. Jeanne MacLaughlin  (Musician: The Ja Ja’s – Barb Horton and Jeanne MacLaughlin) Wherever we are in life, we can always move to a higher, more expanded level of being and becoming by jumpstarting our thinking.  So, today, we jump into a richer, fuller, more abundant life/a more good-filled life…

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Sunday Service: There’s Nothing New About New Thought

Rev. Jeanne MacLaughlin (Musician – Jim Sorenson)) On this first Sunday of the year, we set the tone for our entire year by returning to the Ancient Wisdom behind our New Thought tradition.  From the east to the west, the spiritual teachings are the same.  Today we see this in…

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The Unity 5-Step Prayer Process Class

Affirmative prayer is empowering prayer. It begins with our recognition of the all-pervading, universal power that many call God. In prayer, we shift our attention away from human circumstances and focus on our spiritual nature, our oneness with the Infinite. Join us on the 7th of January and be guided…

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Sunday Service: ‘Tis the Season for Some PPG

Message with Rev. Jeanne MacLaughlin     Music with Diana Perez That would be . . . “’Tis the Season for Some Peace, Power and Grace.”  With Christmas rapidly approaching and perhaps still a lot yet remaining on our “to do” list, today we get about the important task of decking…

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Sunday Service: Be, Do, Have Paradigm

Message with Sheila Taylor     Music with Jennifer Sheets Life functions in a be-do-have paradigm. Most people have this backwards, imagining that one must first “have” things in order to “do” things, thus to “be” what they wish to be. Reversing this process is the fastest way to experience mastery…

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Sunday Service: Bedecked, Bejeweled

Message with Rev. Jeanne MacLaughlin     Music with Jennifer Sheets Everywhere we look this holiday season, we see bling, bling, bling – everything is bedecked and bejeweled with tinsel and lights and colors so bright!  But, do we always feel bedecked and bejeweled at this time of year?  Are the…

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Sunday Service: Commitment to Transformation

Message with Rev. Jeanne MacLaughlin Music with Diana Perez On the last Sunday of  transformation, we make a commitment to transformation as a way of life and stand witness to the Beauty, Power, Grace and Love of God that is revealed when we do.

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