Easter Sunday: From Death to Divine Awakening

The concept of death can come to us in many forms — Death of the physical body, death of a relationship, death of a job, death of a 401K, death of a dream.  On this Easter Sunday, we will look at the profound role death can play in pouring forth…

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Sunday Service: Empowering the Divine Pattern

The Divine Pattern IS within.  There is a divine pattern at the heart of all.  Through our attention, words and energy we either empower or disempower that pattern.  Each day, we get to choose that which we will build.  What will it be today?

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Sunday Service: Deepest Acceptance of This Day

With Rev. Jeanne MacLaughlin, Music with The JaJa’s and Brian Palmerino Expanding on our exploration, today we experience the deepest acceptance of this moment of this day and find that this is where our deepest joy resides. Wherever you have been, life has brought you to this moment, which is…

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Sunday Service: Won’t, Will, Did

With guest speaker, Dr. Michele Whittington, music with Jennifer Sheets Have you ever let fear stand in the way of something your heart truly desired? That is something we all do, probably more often than we would like to admit. In this talk, Dr. Michele will walk you through a…

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Sunday Service: Present Moment Awareness

With Rev. Jeanne MacLaughlin, Music with the JaJa’s To fully shine our Astonishing Lights and to fully experience the manifestation of our visions and dreams, we must live in the only place we can – that is, in the present moment. Yet often, we find ourselves projecting into the future…

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Sunday Service: Your Astonishing Light

With Rev. Jeanne MacLaughlin and music by Amy MacLaughlin The Sufi poet Hafiz once wrote, “I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the Astonishing Light of your own Being.”  This Sunday, we will honor and celebrate the Astonishing Lights that we are.

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Sunday Service: The Key to the Abundant Kingdom

With Rev. Jeanne MacLaughlin and music with The JaJa’s and Brian Palmerino The Master Teacher Jesus said, “I have come so that you might have life and have it more abundantly” and “It is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.” In Unity, we stand on these promises,…

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Sunday Service: The Key to the Abundant Kingdom

Rev. Jeanne MacLaughlin  (Musician: The Ja Ja’s with Brian Palmerino, Barb and Jeanne) The Master Teacher Jesus said, “I have come so that you might have life and have it more abundantly” and “It is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.”  In Unity, we stand on these…

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