Sunday Service – Scripture and the Law of Attraction

Guest speaker, Don Ratliff will discuss the law of attraction. Music by Barbara Horton In Matthew 21:22 it says: “And all things, whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.” We’ll texplore how limiting beliefs can block us from fully harnessing the Law of Attraction to manifest abundance…

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Sunday Service – Let Go and Flow

Let Go and Flow Rev. Jeanne MacLaughlin Music by Cerise Patron Description: Fall is here and the time for fall cleaning is at hand. What must be released in your consciousness in order for God’s Great Good to express in your life? Are you willing to let go and flow?

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Sunday Service: Enlightened Self Interest

Rev Jeanne MacLaughlin Music by Jennifer Sheets Word of the Day – Healing The Third and Fourth Laws of Stratospheric Success invite you into “enlightened self interest” by realizing that when you genuinely care about meeting the needs of others, then your interests will be taken care of as well…

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Sunday Service: What Do You Bring to the Table?

Rev. Jeanne MacLaughlin Music by the JaJa’s Word of the Day – Blessed According to The Go-Giver, great fortunes in the world have been created by men and women who had a greater passion for what they were giving – their products, their services or their ideas – than for…

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Sunday Service: Are You a Go-Getter or a Go-Giver?

Rev. Jeanne MacLaughlin Music by Cerise Patron  Word of the Day – Grace The Go-Giver, a delightful parable by Bob Burg and John David Mann, sets forth five Laws of Stratospheric Success based on the foundational principle of living, loving and laughing abundantly.  Today we begin to unwrap this foundational…

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Reaching for Higher Ground

Rev. Jeanne MacLaughlin, Music by Barb Horton and Brian Palmerino Daily Word: Comfort When we live in integrity in all ways, we are living in alignment with spiritual law.  Commandments 7 and 8 both speak to a life lived in integrity.  As we conclude our exploration of the deeper meaning…

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Sunday Service: Creating Joy

Rev. Jeanne MacLaughlin – Music by The JaJa’s Daily Word: Mother’s Blessing As we look at commandments 3 and 4, we will reawaken to the sacredness of our relationship with God and the power of spiritual renewal to create joy in our lives.

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